Sunday, March 23, 2014

Coffee Drinking Declines 3/23/14

For many years since my discovery of coffee I have been an extremely dedicated coffee drinker. There is not a day that I go without my morning cup of coffee to give me that jolt of energy to complete my day. But there has been a recent decline in the number of coffee drinkers due to the increased production and efficiency of home coffee brewers such as the Keurig brewer. I the future, this could mean a potential loss of profits for many companies that produce non-gourmet coffee.
From an economic standpoint, the less people drink coffee the lesser the price of the coffee in stores meaning that money will be lost and companies will have to seek out ways in which they may compensate for the money that was lost. Meanwhile, coffee consumers who do not have the income to purchase home brewers may opt for an alternative and cheaper source of caffeine. Some of those sources may include soft drinks, energy drinks, and caffeinated teas. This factor may result in the increase in profits for the companies who produce these caffeinated beverages. Some of the local non-gourmet coffee sellers such as 7-11 and Quick Trip gas stations and stores will be greatly affected by the substantial decline in numbers of consumers.

Although there are many downsides to this finding, there are also many advantages. One of the advantages being that consumers will save time, gas, and money by using home brewers instead of going out to purchase a cup of coffee. Another advantage is no more hassle of trying to have that cup of coffee. Often times when going to 7-11 I see a huge crowd of people surrounding the coffee. With a home coffee brewer there will be no more need to experience the wait. So after all, the decline of coffee drinkers is very understandable.
Nicholson, Marcy. "Americans Are Getting Even More Pretentious About How They Drink Coffee." The Huffington Post., 22 Mar. 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.

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